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Welcome to the

FPGA Vision Remote Lab

The FPGA Vision Remote Lab, based on WebLab-Deusto, is a remote laboratory. Students access experiments physically located in the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, having the same experience as if in traditional hands-on lab sessions.


For any technical issue you may find, please contact us at fpga-vision-lab@h-brs.de

العرض تجريبي Demo:

If you do not have a user account, you can try our demo experiments with the username demo and the password welcome.

Get an Account

If you want to have full access to the provided experiments you can register here!

For information on privacy, please see the FAQ!

مصدر مفتوح

WebLab-Deusto is Open Source Software, and it is available in https://github.com/weblabdeusto/weblabdeusto/